Training and Sensitization Projects
Every medical personnel is expected to have comprehensive skills and knowledge in at least the most fundamental health care practices. However, as medical technology advances, health practitioners and medical specialists must update their knowledge and skills in order to treat specific ailments and, most importantly, to use and maintain medical equipment.
At IDA Global Alliance, we focus on building, strengthening and maintaining the capacities of health workers is essential in order to improve community access to services. IDA Global in partnership with Addy Memorial Hospital in Uganda currently employs 9 trained health workers, but there is room for improvement in this area to improve the efficacy of the services we provide.
Training activities provide advanced medical skills to health workers and allow for the transfer and exchange of knowledge.

Addy Memorial Hospital in Kampala, Uganda, is hosting a health training camp for volunteer specialists.
We will accomplish the following with proper training:
Have an impact on care demand, which is frequently limited by financial and geographical factors; if those factors were partially removed, care demand would increase.
Improve access to health care specialists in outlying areas. Specialists will be consulted in a more rapid and interactive manner here.
Improve the quality of care provided in remote areas, which boosts both the health worker's and the patient's confidence.
Allow patients to receive care without spending time and money on a long journey to the health facility, as time and cost to access health facilities are frequently major barriers to seeking care.
This area also requires more collaboration among community health organizations. As a result, as the IDA Global Alliance, we can strengthen health outreaches and clinics, reach more remote areas nationally and globally, and practically respond to community needs.